But it works! PS /> New-PSSession -ComputerName COMPUTER -Credential -Authentication Kerberos Now, the downside is that not all PowerShell modules are available from Linux (for example, ActiveDirectory isn’t currently available). Well, yes! And this article tells you how to install it: We’ll cover that in a bit, but first… WAIT. One workaround is to use “Resource-based Kerberos constrained delegation,” where you basically tell the 3rd server to accept delegated credentials from the 2nd server via the PrincipalsAllowedToDelegateToAccount parameter in the ADComputer cmdlets. Making the second hop in PowerShell Remotin g This is a known issue with some workarounds listed here: I figured out how to get this working and rather than let that knowledge rot in the far reaches of my brain, I’m writing this up, since in my Google hunt, I found lots of people had similar issues with Linux PowerShell (not necessarily to ONTAP). As a result, they’d get “Access Denied” in their script when attempting to access the share. The issue they were having was that the credentials used to connect to the Windows client weren’t passing through to the ONTAP system.